The Game Effect: Comparison of Game and Nongame Learning Environments Using the Example of “Arctic Economy”
The Game Effect: Comparison of Game and Nongame Learning Environments Using the Example of “Arctic Economy”
The Game Effect: Comparison of Game and Nongame Learning Environments Using the Example of “Arctic Economy”
Ruben Till Wittrin, Benny Platte, Christian Roschke, Marc Ritter, Maximilian Eibl, Carolin Isabel Steiner, Volker Tolkmitt
"Virtual environments open up far-reaching possibilities with respect to knowledge impartation. Nevertheless, they have the potential to negatively influence learning behavior. As a possible positive determinant, especially in the digital context, the moment “game” can be listed. Accordingly, previous studies prove an overall positive influence of serious games on learning success and motivation. However, the current state of research only allows for careful and few conclusions in terms of a nuanced differentiation of this influence. Thus, this study differentiates on a deeper level with regard to different parameters of learning success and motivation. The aim of the study is to quantify and evaluate a possible influence of the factor “game” with regard to these parameters. Two versions of the modular software environment Arctic Economy , a game and a nongame version, served as the basis for evaluation. Both versions were compared in a field experiment, with randomized group formation ( N= 97) and repeated measures. The data analysis showed the game group having a tendency to demonstrate better learning performance. In the differentiated analysis, a significant effect can be proven: subjects in the game group were able to remember facts more easily than subjects in the nongame group (group difference retention rate x¯¯¯= 17%). In addition, participants showed an average of 46% higher motivation and were significantly more capable of linking the application's content with reality. The identified “game effect” can therefore be classified as highly significant in the context of this study."
Wittrin, R. T., Platte, B., Roschke, C., Ritter, M., Eibl, M., Steiner, C. I., & Tolkmitt, V. (2023). The Game Effect: Comparison of Game and Nongame Learning Environments Using the Example of “Arctic Economy”. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 17, 84-97.
Serious Games, Learning Success, Motivation