“I Just Can’t Commit to That Level Anymore”: Players, Demands of Games, and Player Services
“I Just Can’t Commit to That Level Anymore”: Players, Demands of Games, and Player Services
“I Just Can’t Commit to That Level Anymore”: Players, Demands of Games, and Player Services
Elisa Wiik
"People, the author holds, instinctively believe quitting a game to be a simple choice: you are either playing or you are not. But she finds quitting play more complex. To understand better the whole ecosystem of play, she maps out the reasons Finnish players abandon or reduce their gaming and examines these reasons through the lens of specific demands. Using an online survey and interviews, she reveals that the dedication and effort needed to play—and the expected audience for a game—can drive players away from the games they once so enjoyed. She concludes that using the player service model promoted by Jaakko Stenros and Olli Sotamaa in 2009 can identify the actions game designers might take to lessen the effect of these game demands."
Wiik, E. (2023). “I Just Can’t Commit to That Level Anymore”: Players, Demands of Games, and Player Services. American Journal of Play, 15(1), 82-109. https://researchportal.tuni.fi/en/publications/i-just-cant-commit-to-that-level-anymore-players-demands-of-games
Game Quitting, Player Dedication, Gaming Demands