Gamification in business education: Visualizing bibliometric networks analysis
Gamification in business education: Visualizing bibliometric networks analysis
Gamification in business education: Visualizing bibliometric networks analysis
By Chai Lee
"The term “gamification” was introduced in 2002 and used in business education to enhance the teaching and learning process and connect students with the real world of business. This research aims to review gamification in business education using visualizing bibliometric networks analysis. A total of 343 Scopus-indexed research papers published from 2012 to 2022 were analyzed related to the use of gamification in business education, both teaching and learning, as well as training. In addition, the analysis of research papers also covers the use of gamification in teaching business-related subjects in other specializations."
Goi, C. L. (2023). Gamification in business education: Visualizing bibliometric networks analysis. Journal of Education for Business, 98(5), 229-241.
business education, gamification, international business education, teaching and learning, training