Designing Tools for Autodidactic Learning of Skills
Designing Tools for Autodidactic Learning of Skills
Designing Tools for Autodidactic Learning of Skills
By Dishita Turakhia
"In the last decade, HCI researchers have designed and engineered several systems to lower the entry barrier for beginners and support novices in learning hands-on creative skills, such as motor skills, fabrication, circuit prototyping, and design. In my research , I contribute to this body of work by designing tools that enable learning by oneself, also known as autodidactism. My research lies at the intersection of system design, learning sciences, and technologies that support physical skill-learning. Through my research projects, I propose to re-imagine the design of systems for skill-learning through the lens of learner-centric theories and frameworks. I present three sets of research projects - (1) adaptive learning of motor skills, (2) game-based learning for fabrication skills, and (3) reflection-based learning of maker skills. Through these projects, I demonstrate how we can leverage existing theories, frameworks, and approaches from the learning sciences to design autodidactic systems for skill- learning."
Turakhia, D. (2022, October). Designing Tools for Autodidactic Learning of Skills. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (pp. 1-4).
adaptive learning, motor skills, fabrication games, reflective learning, maker-skills learning