When Does Kahoot! Provide Most Value for Classroom Dynamics, Engagement, and Motivation?: IS Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions
When Does Kahoot! Provide Most Value for Classroom Dynamics, Engagement, and Motivation?: IS Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions
When Does Kahoot! Provide Most Value for Classroom Dynamics, Engagement, and Motivation?: IS Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions
By Sherlock A. Licorish and Adriaan L. J. Lötter
“Game-based Student Response Systems (GSRSs) are held to improve students’ motivation, engagement, classroom dynamics, academic performance, and enjoyment. Kahoot! is one such tool which is touted for its effectiveness at enhancing pedagogy. There is uncertainty, however, around the specific circumstances under which GSRSs provide value. We address this gap in this study by answering four research questions: (1) What are university students’ sentiments around Kahoot!’s influence on class dynamics, engagement and motivation? (2) Are there differences in university students’ sentiments towards Kahoot!’s use across different classes? (3) Are university students’ sentiments expressed towards Kahoot!’s use associated with personal and academic factors? and (4) Under what specific circumstances does Kahoot! provide value? Sentiment and inductive analyses are used to extract the polarity of the opinions expressed by students in relation to Kahoot!’s use in three information science (IS) courses to identify clear themes around the circumstances where Kahoot! provides value. Findings show that university IS students perceive that Kahoot! has a positive effect on their motivation, engagement, and classroom dynamics. In addition, we established a relationship between the number of hours students dedicate to their studies and their positivity towards Kahoot!’s use. Weak evidence is also established to suggest that Kahoot! was more positively received by some students. Furthermore, Kahoot! provided value under all circumstances of use in the IS courses where it was employed. Educators may use Kahoot! or similar GSRSs for strategic advantage. They are advised, however, to pay special attention to the most disengaged students during lesson planning.”
Licorish, S. A., &; Lötter, A. L. J. (2022). When does Kahoot! provide most value for classroom dynamics, engagement, and motivation?: Is students' and lecturers' perceptions. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). Retrieved September 21, 2022, from https://aisel.aisnet.org/jise/vol33/iss3/5/
Games, engagement, student, academic performance, learning, research