Mindfulness in Minecraft: A Digital Game-Based Socio-Emotional Learning Intervention among Selected Learners
Mindfulness in Minecraft: A Digital Game-Based Socio-Emotional Learning Intervention among Selected Learners
Mindfulness in Minecraft: A Digital Game-Based Socio-Emotional Learning Intervention among Selected Learners
By Hermie L Amper and Beverly Anne Echavez Nicolasora
“This study used the Mindfulness game in the Minecraft Education edition platform to test a digital game-based socio-emotional learning intervention to promote mindfulness among Grade 9 students. A mixed-method research design was used, and participants were chosen using a purposive sampling process that comprised students from bichronous classes who had prior exposure to and expertise in the Minecraft game. The study found that following the intervention, self-reported levels of awareness increased from high to very high for self-awareness, moderate to very high for social management, and moderate to high for self-management. Additionally, the following common topics emerged from the focus group discussion: emotion control tactics, empathy-based strategies, and coping styles. These repeated motifs indicated that participants' ability to deal with contradictory situations in the future had improved. Further research into a broader scope on this and comparable approaches is strongly suggested, as is developing school policies to integrate socio-emotional learning into all subject areas to provide consistent student support. However, to implement this type of program, assessing and preparing teachers' competency and preparation must be considered.”
Amper, H. L., &Echavez Nicolasora, B. A. (2022). Mindfulness in Minecraft: A Digital Game-Based Socio-Emotional Learning Intervention among Selected Learners Mindfulness in Minecraft: A Digital Game-Based Socio-Emotional Learning Intervention among Selected Learners. ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362429319_Mindfulness_in_Minecraft_A_Digital_Game-Based_Socio-Emotional_Learning_Intervention_among_Selected_Learners_Mindfulness_in_Minecraft_A_Digital_Game-Based_Socio-Emotional_Learning_Intervention_among_Se
Game-based, learning, socio-emotional, mindfulness, intervention, research