Improving Interpersonal Skills Through the Application of Active Learning Approach: Theatre Based-Games
Improving Interpersonal Skills Through the Application of Active Learning Approach: Theatre Based-Games
Improving Interpersonal Skills Through the Application of Active Learning Approach: Theatre Based-Games
By Norzuraina binti Mohd Nor, Haroliza binti Ramli, Siti Salwa binti
Jamaldin, Lee Hoi Yeh, Wong Yoke Seng, and Puteri binti Mahsan
“This study aims to examine the enhancement of interpersonal skills through the application ofactive learning in the teaching and learning of arts education. The approach employed is theatrebased game. Theatre-based games is an approach which is suitable to be used in the learning ofarts education subjects through the application of various techniques, that include improvisation,role-play, limber up and voice projection. The subject of arts education includes theoretical andpractical aspects that require high focus during learning. The application of theatre-based gamesis aimed to encourage active learning during online learning. This qualitative study involves eight(8) form five students from SekolahSeniMalayia (SSeM) using observation and interviewmethods. The study applies Social Learning Theory and Constructivist Learning Theory. Data wereanalyzed thematically using NVivo software. The findings of the study found that active learningoccurs in learning through the application of theatre-based games and highlights theinterpersonal skills of students. Two-way communication occurs at each activity because theactivities are conducted in groups. The study on the learning of arts education as a subject thatapplies active learning through theatre-based games is believed to promote confidence andenhance interpersonal skills.”
Nor, N., Ramli, H., Jamaldin, S., Yeh, L., Seng, W., & Mahsan, P. (2022). Improving interpersonal skills through the application of Active Learning Approach: Theatre based-games. Retrieved August 18, 2022, from
Theatre-based games, interpersonal skills, active learning, arts education, research