Pleasures in Games: Conceptual Analysis of Fun and Its Constructs
Pleasures in Games: Conceptual Analysis of Fun and Its Constructs
Pleasures in Games: Conceptual Analysis of Fun and Its Constructs
By Malay Dhamelia and Girish Dalvi
“Fun is a fundamental driver of games. In serious games, the expectation to fulfil the purpose is oftentimes prioritized over elements of fun. In this paper, we analyze the concept of fun across domains and distinguish it from its allied constructs like flow, enjoyment, amusement, and so forth. We deduce the attributes of fun and elaborate concepts and their relationships. Our approach helps to advance the conceptualization of fun in games from a design science perspective and suggests possible directions to assess serious games for better player experiences. Implications of the suggested attributes of fun in the domain of serious games are discussed.”
Dhamelia, M., & Dalvi, G. (2022, July 27). Pleasures in games: Conceptual Analysis of fun and its constructs. Retrieved August 11, 2022, from
Fun, conceptual analysis, player experience, serious games, game design, research