Enhancing Player Experience in Asymmetric Virtual Reality Gameplay
Enhancing Player Experience in Asymmetric Virtual Reality Gameplay
Enhancing Player Experience in Asymmetric Virtual Reality Gameplay
By Michael J. McCready, Alexandra Covaci and Luna Tabbaa
“Interest in multiplayer games that allow players to connect and play withdifferent technologies, such as virtual or augmented reality (VR/AR)hasincreased. Research has shown that in asymmetric gaming experiences (eg. where there are differences between the players’ abilities orinterfaces) it is possible to achieve an enhanced player experience (PX) through various interdependencies. However, most of the previous workfocuses on co-located scenarios, where the space and proximity of the players are local and utilized. With this study, we investigate a remoteasymmetric game setup, and we explore how asymmetries of space, user interface (UI), interaction design, role and abilities, and informationaccess impact the PX and performance for users of different technologies (eg. VR, AR, PC).”
McCready, M. J., Covaci, A., &; Tabbaa, L. (2022). Enhancing Player Experience in Asymmetric Virtual Reality Gameplay. University of Kent. https://cr-workshop.github.io/papers/mccready2022-enhancing.pdf
Gameplay, multiplayer, asymmetrical, VR, AR, MR, research