Gamification As A Methodological Strategy In University Students
Gamification As A Methodological Strategy In University Students
Gamification As A Methodological Strategy In University Students
By Karol Moira Abad Escalante, Liset Sulay Rodriguez Baca, Carlos Enrique Godoy Cedeño, and Mitchell Alberto Alarcón Díaz
"The objective of the study was to review the bibliography related to gamification strategies in students, from a didactic-pedagogical perspective. In the current context, more creative teachers are required to apply and reveal strategies to face the preponderance of a producing society, a phenomenon that has also impacted the world education system. Educational innovation is a reality that is present in learning spaces. The use of emerging methodologies such as gamification has shown great potential to improve the teaching and learning process. Therefore, innovative practices such as gamification, used independently, have revealed various potentialities in the scientific literature that positively impact the teaching and learning processes."
Escalante, K. M. A., Baca, L. S. R., Cedeño, C. E. G., & Díaz, M. A. A. (2022). Gamification As A Methodological Strategy In University Students. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 449-453.
gamification, methodological strategy, motivation, learning