Combining Gamification and Augmented Reality to Raise Interest in Logistics Careers
Combining Gamification and Augmented Reality to Raise Interest in Logistics Careers
Combining Gamification and Augmented Reality to Raise Interest in Logistics Careers
ByLisa-Maria Putz-Egger, Denise Beil,Silvia DoplerandJeremiah Diephuis
“The logistics and transport industry is currently facing the major challenge of having a global shortage of skilled workers. To address this challenge, this paper evaluates the application of gamification in combination with augmented reality (AR) as a new approach to attract the interest of people of all ages to the logistics sector. The aim of the paper is to determine whether a gamified AR-based application called Logistify is a feasible approach to make logistics jobs more attractive. We used a qualitative approach in three phases by collecting and analysing data from different perspectives of players, teachers, instructors, and programmers about the application: (1) analysing game characteristics with programmers and workshops instructors, (2) collecting feedback from players and teachers, and (3) evaluating game scores. The evaluation shows that gamification in combination with augmented reality is a promising tool to attract people to the logistics sector and to change their perception of logistics professions. It can be concluded that the gamified AR approach is capable of increasing interest in jobs in a particular sector. ”
Putz-Egger, L., Beil, D., Dopler, S., &Diephuis, J. (2022, July 22). Combining gamification and augmented reality to raise interest in Logistics Careers. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from
Augmented reality, gamification, green logistics, logistics careers, lack of logistics personnel, research