Learnful L2 Gaming: The Wisdom of the Wild
Learnful L2 Gaming: The Wisdom of the Wild
Learnful L2 Gaming: The Wisdom of the Wild
By Jonathon Reinhardt and Yiting Han
“This chapter discusses the informal practice of learnful L2 gaming, that is, playing a vernacular (commercial, non-educational) game for the intentional, sometimes incidental purpose of L2 use and practice. The introduction discusses the reasons for this widespread practice and the background section surveys associated theory and research, focusing specifically on informal learning, the notions of learnfulness and gamefulness, and L2 learning with games. The chapter then presents a descriptive study that surveys online, informal advice on learnful L2 gaming culled from three openly accessible online forums from 2014–2016: Reddit, Quora, and Duolingo. In brief, users suggested choosing the right game, playing it learnfully, and interacting with others through and around it, suggestions which mirror findings from research and formal practice. Further discussion of this ‘wisdom of the wild’ conclude the chapter, with implications for pedagogy.”
Reinhardt, J., &; Han, Y. (2021). Learnful L2 gaming: The wisdom of the wild. Language Education in Digital Spaces: Perspectives on Autonomy and Interaction, 181-199. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-74958-3_9 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354486770_Learnful_L2_Gaming_The_Wisdom_of_the_Wild
Digital game based language learning, informal learning, learner autonomy, gamefulness research