Educational Nonlinear Stories with Twine
Educational Nonlinear Stories with Twine
Educational Nonlinear Stories with Twine
By May Kristine Jonson Carlon, Donn Emmanuel Gonda, Eden Mariquit Andrews, John Maurice Gayed, Robert Anthony Olexa, and Jeffrey S. Cross
“Multiple studies have hinted at the positive effects of educational games on learner engagement. However, some games, if they exist, may not be readily usable for some lessons even though the same topics are covered. In this workshop, the participants will be introduced to Twine, an open-source development environment fornonlinear stories that requires little to no coding. Tips and tricksto making engaging stories that target desired learning outcomesderived from existing research will be shared. The participants willhave the opportunity to apply these insights through a group activity where they create their stories for a lesson. They will thenindividually create games for their stories and share their works tothe rest of the group. An online community will be created after the workshop for the participants to continue exchanging ideas or creations afterwards.”
Jonson Carlon, M., Gonda, D., Andrews, E., Gayed, J., Olexa, R., & Cross, J. S. (2022). Educational Nonlinear Stories with Twine. Retrieved June 02, 2022, from
Interactive storytelling, interactive narrative, branching narrative, nonlinear stories, Twine, educational games, gamification, serious games, interactive learning environment, research