Gamification and Learning: Enhancing and Engaging e-Learning Experience
Gamification and Learning: Enhancing and Engaging e-Learning Experience
Gamification and Learning: Enhancing and Engaging e-Learning Experience
By Anuphat Thirakulwanich, Larisa Dragolea, and Mária Fekete-Farkas
“Gamification applies the game elements and digital game design techniques to non-gameproblems such as business and social impact challenges. This concept has received increased attention andinterest in academia and practice, and the education sector has emerged among the main areas of researchconcerning gamification. With limited research on gamification in learning, this study: 1) evaluated thetheoretical background supporting the application of gamification in the education sector, 2) reviewedgamification frameworks and structures applicable in learning engagement and enhancement, and 3) finallydiscussed the potential benefits of gamification in the learning experience and e-learning. The study is hingedtheoretically on the Theory of Gamified Learning, which advocates that gamification should target behaviorsor attitudes that affect learning and target behavior or attitude that makes existing instructions more effective.It emphasized that the structure and framework should consider applying several principles such as theaccomplishment principle, reinforcement principle, competition principle, and fun-oriented principle ofgamification. Some elements should be included in the game for it to function properly; these include input,processing, and output. The benefits of gamification in education and learning experience include an increasein learners’ engagement, making learning fun and interactive, improving the learners' knowledge, absorption,and retention gives the learners an opportunity of seeing real-world applications. It also gives learners an opportunity of learning at their pace, enhancing the learning experience for people of all age groups, as well asapplication of the learning beyond the classroom.”
Thirakulwanich, A., Dragolea, L., & Fekete-Farkas, M. (2020, May). Gamification and learning: Enhancing and engaging E ... Retrieved March 29, 2022, from
Serious Games, adaptation, professional training, learning outcomes, framework, research