Effects of Game Based Learning in Comparison of Traditional Learning to Provide Effective Learning Environment- A Comparative Review
Effects of Game Based Learning in Comparison of Traditional Learning to Provide Effective Learning Environment- A Comparative Review
Effects of Game Based Learning in Comparison of Traditional Learning to Provide Effective Learning Environment- A Comparative Review
By Muhammad Hafeez
“With the advancement of technology, various new learning strategies have been developedaccording to the requirement and learning environments of the learners. The game-based learning strategy isan advance learning strategy in which a learner fully engaged in the learning process. This learning strategy completely replaces the traditional learning strategy. A lot of research studiesindicated the improvement inlearning process by game-based learning strategy. The purpose of current study was to compare the students’ learning outcomes with game based and traditional learning strategies by descriptive and statistical ways. Atotal of 26 articles published from 2012 to 2021 were selected by following inclusion and exclusion criteria.The literature reviewed of previous studies indicated that game-based learning strategy proved to be highlyeffective learning strategy in numerous disciplines under different learning environments. In game-basedlearning strategy, the learners highly engaged in learning process.”
Hafeez, M. (2021, December). Effects of game based learning in comparison of … Retrieved March 31, 2022, from https://ijsses.tiu.edu.iq/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Effects-of-Game-Based-Learning-in-Comparison-of-Traditional-Learning-to-Provide-Effective-Learning-Environment-A-Comparative-Review-2-1.pdf
Game based learning, traditional learning strategy, effective, engagement, research