Simulation, Gaming, and Programing in Education
Simulation, Gaming, and Programing in Education
Simulation, Gaming, and Programing in Education
By Danielle E. Kaplan
“The following research describes a study focused on enhancing thinking and reasoning by elevating teacher education to incorporate new technologies in the education of instruction. The ability to think about advanced systems and operate functions within these structures is fundamental to human development. The world is in a continuing need to advance with accuracy and optimal integrity. Games, Simulation, and Programing are introduced as ideal means of heightening learning experiences to support student exploration and construction to be able to develop these thinking competencies. Teacher education candidates were presented new technologies and readings on their integration into instruction and asked to develop lessons and projects applying use of new gaming, simulation, and programing technologies to support student development. Lessons and projects revealed an immensely innovative range of instruction designed to advance thinking.”
Kaplan, D. E. (2022). Simulation, gaming, and programing in education. Creative Education, 13(01), 30-37. doi:10.4236/ce.2022.131002
Technology, education, programing, learning, instruction, simulation, research