Potentials of a web-based gamification guidance for knowledge transfer between research and industry
Potentials of a web-based gamification guidance for knowledge transfer between research and industry
Potentials of a web-based gamification guidance for knowledge transfer between research and industry
By MareikeGabele, VirveTuulia Fischer, Marie Steinbrügge, Denise Thiemke, Steffi Husslein, and Christian Hansen
“Research results show that gamification can influence emotions,motivation and behavior. However, in order to apply the resultsin the software development in industry, they need to be easilyaccessible. To enable a knowledge transfer, a concept and a prototype for an interactive web-based tool were designed to summarizeand visualize existing research results and practical examples in simplified way regarding the use of gamification elements. Step bystep, the user defines parameters such as context of use, age, genderand user type for the target group. Based on this, effects in research results are presented simplified and sorted in four categories in piecharts. This is intended to provide users in the industry with thecompetence to select appropriate gamification elements for their usage. The approach was developed in a user-centered way, includingpre-study interviews with seven participants from research and / orindustry, and then evaluated using a clickable prototype and qualitative open interviews. Potentials for industry and research wereexamined. The approach was perceived as supportive in selectingappropriate gamification elements for use in industry. It may lead to faster finding of research results, promote networking and maygenerate a kind of meta review. The elaboration of such tools maysupport the interconnection between research and industry, as wellas the transfer and applicability of knowledge in gamification.”
Gabele, M., Fischer, V., Steinbrügge, M., Thiemke, D., Husslein, S., & Hansen, C. (2021, October 01). Potentials of a web-based gamification guidance for knowledge transfer between research and industry: Extended abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in play. Retrieved February 24, 2022, from https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3450337.3483458
Knowledge transfer, gamification, human-centered design, research