Collaborative game design for learning: the challenges of adaptive game-based learning for the Flipped Classroom
Collaborative game design for learning: the challenges of adaptive game-based learning for the Flipped Classroom
Collaborative game design for learning: the challenges of adaptive game-based learning for the Flipped Classroom
By Muriel Algayres, Evangelia Triantafyllou, Lena Werthmann, Maria Zotou, Tambouris Efthimios, ChristosMalliarakis, Eleni Dermentzi, Roberto Lopez, EirikJattenand Konstantinos Tarabanis
“In recent years, game-based learning and gamification have increasingly been usedwithin flipped classroom approaches. Many research showed that both approaches were efficientin conjunction in an active learning perspective. However, we observe that few games have beendesigned with use in the flipped classroom in mind, and there is therefore potential to improvethe flipped classroom experience by approaching the development and integration of games witha more holistic and adaptive experience in mind. For that purpose, a focus group of educatorswas assembled for a pilot project and their educational practices, objectives and gaming experience analyzed. Following this investigation, co-constructed game design choices were made totry and develop a game that could support a variety of subjects and learning experience in theFC. Although the focus group answers showed that a fully adaptive gaming experience needed,for reasons of flexibility, to lean towards a gamified platform, the final design solution can havethe potential to support fully the flipped classroom experience for any subject or class desired.”
Algayres, M. G., Triantafyllou, E., Werthmann, L., Zotou, M., Tambouris, E., Malliarakis, C., Dermentzi, E., Lopez, R., Jatten, E., &Tarabanis, K. (2021). Collaborative game design for learning: the challenges of adaptive game-based learning for the Flipped Classroom. In EAI ArtsIT 2020 - 9th EAI International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation
Game design, gamification, learning game applications, flipped classroom, research