Exploration of smell rehabilitation video games
Exploration of smell rehabilitation video games
Exploration of smell rehabilitation video games
By Martin Wibom
“This project explores opportunities in designing hybrid digital/physical smell rehabilitation video games using no unique game peripherals. During a 13-week process, three major iterations were created and externally tested on a small user group. The first two iterations contained five simpleminigames that served to explore different types of game concepts. For thefinal iteration, two minigames were fully developed, a slow- and fast-paced game. The main findings were that slow-paced better-facilitated smell training than fast-paced games; aesthetics increased the player’s focus on smell training; not utilising unique game peripherals limited the design opportunities and implementation of smell mechanics.”
Wibom, M. (2021). Exploration of smell rehabilitation video games. Retrieved February 03, 2022, from https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1594609&dswid=-9144
Olfactory, computer games, mini games, smell, physical therapy, HCI, interaction design, rehabilitation, design, smell training, olfactory rehabilitation, Covid-19, smell loss, research