Personalized Gamification in E-Learning with a Focus onLearners’ Motivation and Personality
Personalized Gamification in E-Learning with a Focus onLearners’ Motivation and Personality
Personalized Gamification in E-Learning with a Focus onLearners’ Motivation and Personality
By Mohammad Hassan Abbasi, Gholam Ali Montazer, Fatemeh Ghorbani and ZahraAlipour
“Background: This study sought to develop a personalized gamifiede-learning system based on students' motivation and personality,and evaluate its efficacy with regard to their performance inmathematics.Methods: In this pretest-posttest experimental study, theparticipants included 117 students already familiar with e-learningsystems. They took a mathematics course in January-February2020, and were randomly assigned to five groups: PersonalizedGamification (PG) based on motivation and personality (n=23),PG based on personality (n=23), PG based on motivation (n=23),non-personalizedgamification (n=23), and control (n=25). Then thestudents’ scores and the time they spent on the learning managementsystem (LMS) were compared before and after the personalizationprocedure. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version26. In this regard, independent-samples t-test was used to comparethe mean scores at P<0.05 significance level. Results: The personalized game-based learning system tailored tolearners’ motivation and personality did significantly improve theirscores and promoted their engagement in LMS, as compared to thepre-personalization phase (P<0.05). Moreover, the students’ meanscores increased compared to the non-personalized gamification(P<0.008). Furthermore, a comparison between the control andexperimental groups indicated that factoring in both motivation andpersonality resulted in an improvement in both student grades andthe timespent on LMS. However, when considering personality ormotivation alone, the scores improved with no significant increasein user time on LMS (P>0.916 in both cases). Conclusion: PG has a significant positive effect on students’ scorescompared to the non-gamified system, and it leads to a significantimprovement in the learning time spent on LMS, compared to non-personalized gamified systems.”
Abbasi, M., Montazer, G., Ghrobani, F., &Alipour, Z. (2021). Personalized gamification in e-learning with a focus on learners' motivation and personality. Retrieved January 27, 2022, from
E-learning, gamification, motivation, personality, research