Adult Play and Wellbeing: A Moderated Mediation Model
Adult Play and Wellbeing: A Moderated Mediation Model
Adult Play and Wellbeing: A Moderated Mediation Model
BySamantha AIsakson Lyerly
“The benefits of play have long been considered in relation to the development of children.However, consideration of adult play has only recently gained professional attention. Previousfindings have established a range of benefits for playful engagement in adults, yet manyvariables remain to be studied. This study sought to further the understanding of adult playengagement through consideration of the amount of time spent in play and types of play on the wellbeing of adults. Participant recruitment was completed via multiple site entry techniqueacross social media. Participant characteristics included a significant proportion of highlyeducated women. Data analysis utilized a bootstrap moderated mediation model with time spentin play and types of play as independent variables and aspects of wellbeing as the dependentvariable. Additionally, perceived stress was measured as a mediator, while age andsocioeconomic status were measured as moderators. Potential confounding variables were foundand controlled for regarding race, marital status, education, employment, and the number ofhousehold members. Findings did not support a significant relationship between time spent inplay and adult wellbeing. However, significant correlations were found between adult wellbeingand physical, outdoor, mastery, cultural, and exploratory types of play. Perceived stress was onlyfound to indirectly effect mastery play, but the relationship was a positive one. Conditionalanalyses of age andsocioeconomic status were not significant moderators in direct or indirectrelationships. This study served to further understand the benefits of adult play, particularly howplay serves to benefit adults through type, but not time spent in play. Further research maycontinue to develop this novel subject, providing meaningful insight into this often overlooked,yet potentially beneficial area of adult functioning.
Lyerly, S. A. (2022). Adult Play and Wellbeing: A Moderated Mediation Model. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from
Play, adult play, wellbeing, leisure, stress relief, age, SES, research