Gamification in Learning using Quizizz Application as Assessment Tools
Gamification in Learning using Quizizz Application as Assessment Tools
Gamification in Learning using Quizizz Application as Assessment Tools
Wiwin Handoko, Eva Mizkat, Auliana Nasution, Hambali and Juna Eska
“Nowadays, Teaching and learning activities in the world of education must always follow the development of technology. The use of these technologies will make these activities more effective and efficient. Gamification is part of innovation in education. In this research, gamification is used as a tool for studying activities in project management information systems subject. The method used is technology-based applied research. The Assessment Tool in this study uses Quizizz. Quizizz is used on midterms. This exam was attended by 29 students of the information systems department STMIK Royal. The questionnaire was made using a Mentimeter. The use of Quizizz has a positive impact. The level of student answers questions correctly is 51%. Then 66% prefer Quizizz as assessment tool compared to paper and google forms.”.
Handoko, W., Mizkat, E., Nasution, A., & Eska, J. (2021, February). Gamification in Learning using Quizizz Application as Assessment Tools. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1783, No. 1, p. 012111). IOP Publishing.
Activities, education, assessment