Escaping the inactive classroom: Escape Rooms for teaching technology
Escaping the inactive classroom: Escape Rooms for teaching technology
Escaping the inactive classroom: Escape Rooms for teaching technology
Rachelle Emily O'Brien, Scott Farrow
“Free Ed was a one-hour fun and interactive hands on Bring Your Own Device workshop which explored the functions necessary to build collaborative classrooms using Microsoft Teams. This paper is intended to give you an insight into the pedagogy and technology used in creating the Free Ed workshop delivered at Social Media in HE (SocMedHE) conference, which utilised an Escape Room to deliver Microsoft Teams teaching. This paper aims to give you an insight into the workshop itself, what participants thought, reflections on delivering the session and finally, some key points for you to take forward if you would like to try this yourself”.
O'Brien, R. E., & Farrow, S. (2020). Escaping the inactive classroom: Escape Rooms for teaching technology. The Journal of Social Media for Learning, 1(1), 78-93.
Free Ed, collaborative , Technology
Free Ed