The impact of game-based learning (GBL) on students’ motivation, engagement and academic performance on an Arabic language grammar course in higher education
The impact of game-based learning (GBL) on students’ motivation, engagement and academic performance on an Arabic language grammar course in higher education
The impact of game-based learning (GBL) on students’ motivation, engagement and academic performance on an Arabic language grammar course in higher education
Mohd. Elmagzoub Eltahir, Najeh Rajeh Alsalhi, Sami Al-Qatawneh, Hatem Ahmad AlQudah & Mazan Jaradat
“The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of game-based learning (GBL) on students’ motivation, engagement and academic performance on an Arabic language grammar course at Ajman University. The study was carried out utilizing a case study of quasi-empirical design. The respondents were 107 learners, grouped into two groups: one empiric group (n = 54) that used the game-based classroom response system; and the other a control group (n = 53) which was instructed using non-game-based methods. The game-based online assessment tool Kahoot! was used as a formative assessment method in the lectures, and a questionnaire was designed to measure motivation and engagement. The findings indicated that there were statistical differences in the benefit of the empiric group between the empiric and the control groups between the groups. Empirical group students showed more improved knowledge of the concepts taught on the Arabic language grammar course, and higher motivation than the students taught using the traditional strategy”.
Eltahir, M. E., Alsalhi, N. R., Al-Qatawneh, S., AlQudah, H. A., & Jaradat, M. (2021). The impact of game-based learning (GBL) on students’ motivation, engagement and academic performance on an Arabic language grammar course in higher education. Education and Information Technologies, 26(3), 3251-3278.
Game-Based Learning, control groups, language