Homo Ludens Reloaded: The Ethics of Play in the Information Age
Homo Ludens Reloaded: The Ethics of Play in the Information Age
Homo Ludens Reloaded: The Ethics of Play in the Information Age
Miguel Sicart
“This chapter proposes an understanding of the concept of homo ludens from a Philosophy of Information perspective. This chapter argues that players are moral agents who create worlds by playing. The creation of these worlds through play is analogous to what Huizinga described as a ludic drive. Therefore, this chapter proposes a perspective for studying the ethics of play through the lens of homo ludens-as-homo poieticus. The goal of this chapter is to suggest a constructivist ethics approach to the different play activities that have a role in shaping the cultures of the Information Age”.
Sicart, M. (2020). Homo Ludens Reloaded: The Ethics of Play in the Information Age. In Games and Ethics (pp. 13-27). Springer VS, Wiesbaden. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-28175-5_2
Virtue ethics, Constructivist ethics, Philosophy of information, Videogames, Homo ludens, Homo