Flow Theory and Learning Experience Design in Gamified Learning Environments
Flow Theory and Learning Experience Design in Gamified Learning Environments
Flow Theory and Learning Experience Design in Gamified Learning Environments
Scott W. Vann & Andrew A. Tawfik
"Learning technologies should be designed in a way that facilitates student knowledge construction. While much of the learning technology literature often focuses on retention of content, less is known about the theories and models that influence how learners perceive and react to the interface. In this chapter, we describe the theoretical tenets of flow theory and its application for learning experience design, especially for gamified learning environments. We then present a design case that details how flow theory was applied towards the redesign of an online professional development course. Implications for theory and practice are also discussed."
Vann, S. W., & Tawfik, A. A. (2020). Flow Theory and Learning Experience Design in Gamified Learning Environments. Learner and User Experience Research. https://edtechbooks.org/ux/flow_theory_and_lxd
flow, learning design, games-based learning