Serious Games for Learning: A Quantitative Review of Literature
Serious Games for Learning: A Quantitative Review of Literature
Serious Games for Learning: A Quantitative Review of Literature
Manuel J. Ibarra, Vladimiro Ibañez, Ismar Frango Silveira, Cesar A. Collazos, Günter Wallner, Matthias Rauterberg
"There exists a considerable amount of digital games that are described and published in the scientific literature. Among them, there are those considered as “serious games”, whose foremost goal differs from pure entertainment, being conceived mainly for training, capacity building, and education among other ends. Serious digital games for learning represent an important part of this whole set, and it is relevant to observe the actual state-of-the-art about the research in this field. In this sense, this paper presents a quantitative literature review on previous papers published in peer-reviewed conference proceedings or journals related to digital games for learning."
Ibarra, M. J., Ibañez, V., Silveira, I. F., Collazos, C. A., Wallner, G., & Rauterberg, M. (2020, November). Serious Games for Learning: A Quantitative Review of Literature. In Joint International Conference on Serious Games (pp. 164-174). Springer, Cham.
Serious games, Game-Based learning, Digital games, Learning Educational games