Gamification tools improving university students’ involvement in the education process
Gamification tools improving university students’ involvement in the education process
Gamification tools improving university students’ involvement in the education process
D. Paľová & M. Vejačka
"Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) influence the field of education in a significant way. Technology makes education more efficient, scalable, accessible and interactive. Current students' generation, the Millennials, ask for different innovative pedagogical approaches. They like technology and it is the natural part of their everyday life as breathing. From the conducted surveys follows, that they are group-oriented and practiced users of digital technology. In order to impress and motivate them to learn, it is necessary to employ ICTs differently and interactively and it does not matter the age. The gamification of learning is a kind of educational approach, which uses game elements in a learning environment. The main aim is to enhance students' interest in learned topics and to inspire them to continue learning. At our faculty, education innovation is one part of the internal development project. The paper will present the short review of tools and methods usable for the gamification of the education process, followed by its implementation to the particular course Informatics II provided by LMS Moodle."
Pal’ová, D., & Vejačka, M. Gamification tools improving university students’ involvement in the education process. In 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (pp. 581-586). IEEE.
education process innovation, LMS Moodle, gamification, enhancement of students’motivation