Gamification Framework for E-Learning Systems in Higher Education
Gamification Framework for E-Learning Systems in Higher Education
Gamification Framework for E-Learning Systems in Higher Education
By Andrija Bernik
“This paper explains the concept of gamification, lists the current models according to which educational e-courses can be designed, and proposes a conceptual eRIOOS model aimed at higher education. The aim of the research as well as the purpose of creating a conceptual model of gamification is to standardize the elements of computer games that can be used in educational e-courses at higher education institutions. In the preparation of this research, the emphasis was placed on the invention and analysis of professional and scientific literature for creating a conceptual model. The model contains a logical representation of two levels of complexity. Three separate e-courses have been created in different courses within the two University institutions, which serve as a tool to check the correctness of the conceptual eRIOOS model. The result of the research is a confirmed conceptual model that is suitable for creating Moodle e-courses of IT teaching orientation in higher education institutions.”
Bernik, A. (2021). Gamification Framework for E-Learning Systems in higher education. Tehnički Glasnik, 15(2), 184-190. doi:10.31803/tg-20201008090615
E-course, eRIOOS, gamification, model, moodle, university research