In Tokyo's Shibuya Ward, 110 students from 11 Kanto region high schools participated in a board game tournament, marking the seventh such event and a significant increase from the 36 participants in 2018. Students played popular games like Monopoly, Catan, and Carcassonne, with many also bringing personal favorites.
Read MoreOnline learning offers the opportunity to engage a much broader set of students with different learning styles, and to potentially supercharge outcomes. Principal Investigator at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, finds that educators who borrow ideas and tools from the gaming community can improve their online teaching techniques, and improve learning outcomes for students.
Read MoreThe COVID pandemic-19 has shown us that an essential part of the school ritual is fulfilled simply because the school exists. Another characteristic of the school ritual reveals itself to us if we attend to the etymology of the word "School" that comes from the Greek "Scholé," meaning leisure.
Read MoreThe new working practices necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic have presented a number of opportunities. Not just for the management of a remote workforce, but with the potential to change working practices for good.
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