Gamification in Diabetes Management Improves Glycemic Outcomes
Gamification in Diabetes Management Improves Glycemic Outcomes
Gamification in Diabetes Management Improves Glycemic Outcomes
By Veronica Brady
March 27, 2024
Veronica Brady, PhD, RN, and colleagues conducted a systematic review exploring the efficacy of gamification as a self-care intervention for type 2 diabetes (T2D) management. They investigated studies from 2013 to 2021, assessing gaming's impact on T2D self-management behaviors and outcomes. The review encompassed nine studies involving 1,370 patients. Gaming interventions primarily targeted physical activity, healthy coping, and healthy eating, showing varied effectiveness. Some interventions, particularly those involving competition, improved engagement and goal achievement, notably in physical activity. While promising for T2D management, more research is needed to fully understand gaming's role in adult T2D self-care. Brady plans further study in this area.
Brady, V. (2024, March 27). Gamification in Diabetes Management Improves Glycemic Outcomes. Physicians Weekly. Retrieved from