Integrating Learning with Gameplay in Human Resource Machine
Integrating Learning with Gameplay in Human Resource Machine
Integrating Learning with Gameplay in Human Resource Machine
By Adrian Ma
February 4, 2024
From its first level, Human Resource Machine pushes players into a mode of logical thinking necessary for programming.
Human Resource Machine provides the player with commands that parallel and encompass nearly all the basic building blocks of programming.
One of the most satisfying parts of Human Resource Machine's gameplay is that players can see themselves growing as they progress through the levels.
Within Human Resource Machine's gameplay system lies an outer loop of gameplay that gets players to return to the game over multiple sittings, and an inner loop of gamplay that pushes players to finish any level that they have started.
In the outer loop of gameplay, players grow as programmers by learning a new tool, mastering its use through several levels, and then go back to learning another new tool.
The design of Human Resource Machine utilizes the learning mechanism of induction / refinement to drive player growth.
Where Human Resource Machine falls short is in how it guides players towards achieving these goals.
Ma, A. (2024, February 3). Integrating Learning with Gameplay in Human Resource Machine. SUPERJUMP.