Gaming Writer Mia Lynam explores how life simulation games appeal to and engage with their player
Gaming Writer Mia Lynam explores how life simulation games appeal to and engage with their player
Gaming Writer Mia Lynam explores how life simulation games appeal to and engage with their player
By Mia Lynam
February 7, 2024
Gaming Writer Mia Lynam explores how life simulation games appeal to and engage with their player.
Unlike other games where you restart if you're losing the race or match, you can start a whole new life just to try something different.
Life simulation games like The Sims 4 give you control.
Wanting to know and be sure of outcomes and life paths is never one hundred percent possible, but life simulation games give us the certainty we might not have otherwise.
Life simulation games have become more popular since the pandemic.
The main appeal of life simulation games, at least personally, is escapism.
Life simulation games have been, and remain, so popular because you don't have to win.
Lynam, Mia . “The Little Garden: Why Life Simulation Games Are so Appealing | Redbrick Gaming.” Redbrick, 7 Feb. 2024,