This Slay the Spire-like made to teach a dev’s daughter maths looks like the best edutainment game I never had
This Slay the Spire-like made to teach a dev’s daughter maths looks like the best edutainment game I never had
This Slay the Spire-like made to teach a dev’s daughter maths looks like the best edutainment game I never had
By Matt Jarvis
January 8, 2024
If you're like me, you probably have at least one treasured memory of being allowed to play an edutainment game at school under the guise of learning.
What a blast, getting to play video games at school! For me, it was a floppy disk with a bizarre Pac-Man clone where you had to answer maths questions every time you ran into an enemy or obstacle.
While I treasure that memory dearly, I knew even then that the game I was playing was more than a bit crap - no matter how good it made me at sums or let me get out of doing normal schoolwork.
If only the next game from chess-roguelike Shotgun King developers Punkcake Délicieux had existed at the time, offering up a modern bit of edutainment that looks to be both educational and genuinely fun to play.
Punkcake Délicieux's Benjamin Soule - half of the studio's development team alongside Rémy Devaux, joined by composer Pentadrangle - said that the game started life last November as a way to teach the developer's seven-year-old daughter addition and multiplication, before developing into a full release for the studio.
The clip's adorable pixel art shows a sword-wielding boar creature in a crown and robe - presumably the player - leading a group of small mice and boar followers into battle against a group of slime and goblin-like creatures, much like an encounter in Slay the Spire.
In November I made a game to train my 7yo daughter in doing additions and multiplications.
Jarvis, M. (2024, January 8). This Slay the Spire-like made to teach a dev’s daughter maths looks like the best edutainment game I never had. Rock, Paper, Shotgun.