The intersection of gaming, animation & education trends
The intersection of gaming, animation & education trends
The intersection of gaming, animation & education trends
By Dr J Srinvasa Rao
January 23, 2024
The introduction of technology has profoundly changed the way that knowledge is taught and learned.
Technology has become an essential aspect of education, especially when it comes to digital learning.
Here's a look at how innovations are transforming and reshaping the landscape of education.
The integration of traditional learning methods with game mechanics is known as gamification.
Serious games follow a conventional game framework to match the learner with specific objects and goals.
As students grow increasingly comfortable carrying around wearable technology, it will have a significant impact on the learning environment.
An important element in the comprehension of learning systems, concepts, and devices is the visual component of education.
Learners can better synthesize their grasp of key subjects by using animation that is designed to explain abstract concepts through eye-catching visuals.
Rao, J. S. (2024, January 23). The intersection of gaming, animation & education trends. The Statesman.