How a Military Simulator paved the way for the current gaming landscape
How a Military Simulator paved the way for the current gaming landscape
How a Military Simulator paved the way for the current gaming landscape
By Ben Miller
December 13, 2023
In 2001, a team of 12 employees released their dream sandbox military simulator: Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.
The title featured a comprehensive mission editor, allowing players to create their own operations to play with their group.
The developer Bohemia Interactive found it crucial to promote the idea of player creation, something that was true for most of the golden era of early PC gaming.
This continued into their 2009 follow-up title Arma 2.
The game that convinced me and my friends at the time to start our PC gaming journey.
Later becoming a standalone title published and developed by Bohemia Interactive themselves, DayZ influenced a wave of survival multiplayer games to hit the market.
Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved, 7 Days to Die, and H1Z1 are a few names that crawled their way out of the rubble that was the Survival craze, an entire genre of games that were produced from this.
Miller, B. (2023, December 13). How a military simulator paved the way for the current gaming landscape. Medium.