Solo Tabletop Role Playing Games Make Me A Better Writer
Solo Tabletop Role Playing Games Make Me A Better Writer
Solo Tabletop Role Playing Games Make Me A Better Writer
By Mike Drucker
January 7, 2024
There are hundreds and thousands of books and video series and podcasts intended to make you a better writer.
I've also struggled with becoming a better writer.
of all the instructional materials and speeches and strategy cards - I've found that solo tabletop roleplaying games have made me a better writer.
Now, I'm not playing solo tabletop roleplaying games because I want to be a better writer.
I'm playing solo TTRPGs because I'm lonely and want to feel something, anything.
If you're into more traditional games like Call of Cthulhu, there are solo modules.
I'm not saying that solo TTRPGs are a way to write stories.
Drucker, M. (2024, January 7). Solo tabletop role playing games make me a better writer. TheGamer.