'Student of Games' is the 1st AI that can master different types of games, like chess and poker
'Student of Games' is the 1st AI that can master different types of games, like chess and poker
'Student of Games' is the 1st AI that can master different types of games, like chess and poker
By Keumars Afifi-Sabet
November 16, 2023
Researchers have built the first general-purpose artificial intelligence algorithm that can master a wide variety of games - dubbed "Student of Games."
Game algorithms are normally designed to master either information-perfect games like Go or chess - in which each player has all the information - or information-imperfect games like poker, in which some information is hidden from other players.
When tested, Student of Games held its own in both the information-perfect chess and Go, as well as the information-imperfect Texas Hold'em and Scotland Yard.
"Games are a well-defined benchmark, and there is a long history of AI progress being tied to milestones in AI for games," Schmid explained.
In the information-perfect category, the team found that Student of Games performed as well as human experts or professionals, but it was substantially weaker in head-to-head play than specialized algorithms like AlphaZero.
Student of Games would fall flat in complex games in which there's much more hidden information kept from participating players than in poker, study co-author Finbarr Timbers, a researcher at Midjourney, told Live Science in an email.
In the future, the researchers plan to address explore limitations they encountered, particularly how to reduce the high costs and computational power involved in running Student of Games and achieving strong performance.
Afifi, K. (2023, November 16). “student of games” is the 1st AI that can master different types of games, like chess and Poker. LiveScience. https://www.livescience.com/technology/artificial-intelligence/student-of-games-is-the-1st-ai-master-different-games-like-chess-and-poker