The Future Of Work: Empowering Employees Through Gamified Learning
The Future Of Work: Empowering Employees Through Gamified Learning
The Future Of Work: Empowering Employees Through Gamified Learning
By Kamalika Bhattacharya
October 07 2023
As learning has refused to adapt to the changing preferences of learners, these same learners have lost patience and turned away from traditional learning methods.
The Power Of Play: Gamified Learning Gamified learning is a transformative approach that merges the power of games with the art of education.
Building Transferable Skills Gamified learning goes beyond rote memorisation and facilitates the development of transferable skills.
Gamified learning creates a safe and engaging space for employees to practice and hone these essential skills.
Gamified learning can foster collaboration and teamwork among employees.
Organisations can leverage existing digital platforms, such as learning management systems or mobile apps, to integrate gamified elements into their training programs without incurring exorbitant costs.
Gamified learning presents an exciting opportunity to bridge the gap between the aspirations of employers and the expectations of employees.
Bhattacharya, K. (2023, October 7). Empowering employees through gamified learning. Inc42 Media.