Engage, train ag's future leaders with ‘Serious Education Games’
Engage, train ag's future leaders with ‘Serious Education Games’
Engage, train ag's future leaders with ‘Serious Education Games’
By Haley Laufenberg
October 13, 2023
Video games are a rapidly growing, profitable facet of the entertainment industry, with revenue exceeding U.S. book publishing, music, and North American sports combined, according to Grand View Research.
As per Science Direct, serious education games, or SEGs, are any form of interactive game software developed with the purpose of edifying players.
"Game-based learning through serious educational games is a growing strategy to engage with learners," said Dr. Deepak Keshwani, an associate professor of biological systems engineering at the University of Nebraska and member of the "Agpocalypse 2050" team.
"Game designers often have to make simplifying assumptions about complex topics to enable game play for younger learners," said Keshwani.
Because of these different factors, research has shown that serious games result in superior learning and retention of knowledge compared to more conventional instruction methods."
"Right now, we're focused really on basic cow handling, moving cows to and from the parlor, but we think potentially serious gaming could be applied to a lot of different scenarios on the farm," she said.
While SEGs in the feed and grain industries have not yet been introduced, stakeholders may find this new form of learning a most fruitful opportunity to train workers and connect with future generations of the industry.
Laufenberg, H. (2023, October 13). Engage, train agriculture’s future leaders with “serious education games.” Feed Strategy. https://www.feedstrategy.com/feed-mill-of-the-future/article/15636461/engage-train-agricultures-future-leaders-with-serious-education-games