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Simulation and Society: Navigating the Future Through Gaming

Simulation and Society: Navigating the Future Through Gaming

Simulation and Society: Navigating the Future Through Gaming

By Songyee Yoon

June 6, 2024

Originally Published Here


Simulation technology has been utilized for skill-building since 1966, starting with a VR display created by engineer Thomas Furness for U.S. Air Force pilots. Over time, simulations have expanded to train medical students and emergency personnel in high-stress situations. Recently, simulation gaming has gained popularity as an immersive learning tool, allowing players to experiment with roles and strategies in dynamic virtual environments. These experiences can enhance real-world skills, such as negotiation and conflict resolution, making players more effective business leaders. Additionally, simulation gaming offers insights into societal dynamics by mirroring real-life social structures and relationships.


Yoon, S. (2024, June 6). Simulation and society: Navigating the future through gaming. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbooksauthors/2024/06/06/simulation-and-society-navigating-the-future-through-gaming/