Why workplace reward programs don’t actually motivate employees
Why workplace reward programs don’t actually motivate employees
Why workplace reward programs don’t actually motivate employees
By Lisa Sharapata
April 23, 2024
In the discussion on workplace motivation, traditional reward programs are scrutinized for their unintended consequences despite their initial appeal. While promising short-term productivity boosts, extensive research, including insights from Deloitte, suggests that these programs often erode company culture and fail to sustain long-term engagement. Harvard Business Review and psychologists like Deci and Ryan highlight how external rewards can diminish intrinsic motivation, crucial for sustained performance and creativity. With U.S. companies annually spending billions on non-cash incentives, the disconnect arises as up to 87% of these investments fail to impact organizational goals effectively. Moving forward, fostering a reward-independent culture that nurtures intrinsic motivation and aligns with organizational values is advocated for sustainable workforce engagement and productivity.
Sharapata, L. (2024, April 23). Why workplace reward programs don’t actually motivate employees. TLNT. https://www.tlnt.com/articles/why-workplace-reward-programs-dont-actually-motivate-employees