Virtual gamified event creates interactive learning experience for individuals with ADHD
Virtual gamified event creates interactive learning experience for individuals with ADHD
Virtual gamified event creates interactive learning experience for individuals with ADHD
By Courtney Friedman
April 15, 2024
Stephanie Scheller, diagnosed with ADHD at 26, finds solace and focus through music, citing its impact on brainwaves and dopamine release. Her journey led her to found Grow Disrupt, organizing ADHD-friendly events focused on skill development and neurodiverse communication. These events feature speakers trained to engage effectively with ADHD audiences. Scheller's home office exemplifies her approach, with tailored lighting and scents enhancing productivity. Her upcoming virtual event, ADHDistrupt, employs a gamified platform fostering engagement and dopamine boosts. Beyond ADHD, Scheller aims to inclusively educate and connect diverse individuals, fostering pride in their unique traits at events like ADHDistrupt.
Friedman, C. (2024, April 15). Virtual gamified event creates interactive learning experience for individuals with ADHD. Retrieved June 21, 2024, from