Gamification on the Rise
Gamification on the Rise
Gamification on the Rise
By Danielle Trigg
March 29, 2023
Gamification is bridging an activity with gaming, including adding elements of competition, scoring, or even traditional video game mechanics.
In other words, gamification is the art of turning anything into a game.
Unsurprisingly, gamification has left its mark on the gaming sector in a variety of ways.
Poker is a pretty straightforward card game compared to traditional PC and console games.
Gamification is a way for poker companies to diversify and enliven traditional real-money games.
Some traditional video games rely on gamification to add texture and depth to the standard gameplay.
Gamification within gaming is interesting-but applications outside of that industry can be far more unexpected.
Trigg, D. (2023, March 29). Gamification on the Rise. Business Manchester.