Special Education Concepts For Game Developers
Special Education Concepts For Game Developers
Special Education Concepts For Game Developers
By Anthony Morris
January 8, 2023
Gaming fans who've worked in special education or learning difficulties services may have regularly considered how some of the ingenious communicative devices could be used for gaming.
Beyond technologies, these areas also offer several concepts and approaches that developers could utilize to create unique gaming experiences.
In addition to being genuinely interesting concepts for developers to tap into, these ideas could be used to create more meaningful gaming experiences for people with learning difficulties.
Still, with the approach firmly in mind as an evidence-based teaching strategy, developers could expand on the educational value of games.
There is a strong case for gaming developers to include some degree of sign language in games now that graphics have improved.
To garner some of these experiences, virtual reality gaming developers might read Oliver Sack's The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat for ideas to strive towards.
In an effort to better improve the quality of gaming experiences all around, adopting ideas from special education and disability services may have the added effect of providing more inclusivity, while expanding the fan base.
Morris, A. (2023, January 8). 7 special education concepts for game developers. Game Rant. Retrieved January 26, 2023, from https://gamerant.com/special-education-concepts-game-developers/