AI promises to make your game for you. But there’s a catch.
AI promises to make your game for you. But there’s a catch.
AI promises to make your game for you. But there’s a catch.
By Iwan Morris
December 16, 2022
Now comes the advent of AI into video game production - including the concept of 'generative AI' being discussed heavily such as in this article by James Gwertzman and Jack Soslow - where entire portions of a video game can apparently be generated by artificial intelligence.
Putting prompts into an AI engine is after all, far less time-consuming than design meetings, concepts and drawing, surely? After all, they might argue, the most important work is behind the scenes, with the game's workings and mechanical functions, not in what the audience actually sees, hears and plays.
Given free rein they can make entirely incoherent layouts in traditional game design and thus are most often used producing random, simple level designs and details in order to keep things feeling fresh.
Thus we are still very, very far from this sort of AI ever being capable of producing anything outside of elements for a game.
The idea of an AI creating an entire game is, at this point, complete science-fiction.
In many cases tools to place random effects, brushes in programs like CSP or Photoshop and more have all been received well by artists and designers whilst utilising tech similar to AI. But it's important to recognise that such advancements support the traditional manner of development, allowing enough space for the expression and innovation which are crucial to game design.
Are we close to the day when we'll be able to type in a prompt and have a whole AAA game spat out for us? Not even close.
Morris, I. (2022, December 16). Ai promises to make your game for you. but there's a catch. Retrieved January 16, 2023, from