Importance of Implementing Gamification in Your Training Strategy
Importance of Implementing Gamification in Your Training Strategy
Importance of Implementing Gamification in Your Training Strategy
December 12, 2022
Gameplay elements are incorporated into a learning process through gamification in training.
Gamification training, or the incorporation of game aspects into a learning environment, is one of the hottest training ideas.
Gamification in training or the gamification of learning incorporates gaming aspects into an educational setting.
Learner Independence: Individuals can learn at their own pace and level via gamification, which utilizes intrinsic motivators such as competition, improvement, and completion.
Emotional Relationship: Frequently, gamification uses narratives to help students apply what they've learned in simulated circumstances, creating an emotional connection.
Cognitive Relief: The brain enjoys multitasking, but it can be detrimental to training attempts-games direct attention to one task at a time, which improves concentration and decreases cognitive load.
It seems like a no-brainer-incorporating a game-based aspect into training, and development piques learners' interest.
Learners might lose motivation with any training approach, and you could abandon your efforts.
CIOReview. (2022, December 12). Importance of implementing gamification in your training strategy. CIOReview. Retrieved January 12, 2023, from