Beyond Gamification
Beyond Gamification
Beyond Gamification
By Karl M. Kapp
December 7, 2022
One tool or approach that has been suggested as a methodology for solving the problem of disengaged employees is gamification.
Gamification means adding game elements to non-game situations such as creating a work application or process for an employee to earn points by performing specific activities correctly.
Unless gamification is part of a larger strategy or a more focused effort, it will not have the success an organization hopes to achieve in terms of employee engagement.
To increase employee engagement, talent development professionals need to foster a sense of purpose, provide transparency, and encourage employee happiness within the work environment.
Sense of Purpose A study by the consultancy firm McKinsey & Company found that 70 percent of employees said their sense of purpose is largely defined by their work.
Requiring employees to go to a happy hour after a long day at work is not the best way to encourage happiness among employees.
My experiences with gamification have taught me that organizations that look beyond game elements, aesthetics, and competition for competition's sake toward a shared purpose, organizational transparency, and employee happiness find success.
Kapp, K. M. (2022, December 7). Beyond gamification: ATD. Main. Retrieved January 12, 2023, from