The Generative AI Revolution in Games
The Generative AI Revolution in Games
The Generative AI Revolution in Games
By James Gwertzman and Jack Soslow
November 18 2022
There hasn't been a technology this revolutionary for gaming since real-time 3D. Spend any time at all talking to game creators, and the sense of excitement and wonder is palpable.
Of all entertainment, games will be most impacted by Generative AI Games are the most complex form of entertainment, in terms of the sheer number of asset types involved.
Lowering barriers will result in more risk-taking and creative exploration We may soon be entering a new "Golden age" of game development, in which a lower barrier to entry results in an explosion of more innovative and creative games.
A rise in AI-assisted "Micro game studios" Armed with Generative AI tools and services, we will start to see more viable commercial games produced by tiny "Micro studios" of just 1 or 2 employees.
The idea of a small indie game studio is not new - hit game Among Us was created by studio Innersloth with just 5 employees - but the size and scale of the games these small studios can create will grow.
An Increase in the number of games released each year The success of Unity and Roblox have shown that providing powerful creative tools result in more games being built.
New game types created that were not possible before Generative AI We will be seeing new game genres invented that were simply not possible without Generative AI. We already talked about Microsoft's flight simulator, but there will be entirely new genres invented that depend on real-time generation of new content.
Soslow, J., & Gwertzman, J. (2022, November 18). The Generative AI Revolution in Games. Andreessen Horowitz. Retrieved December 20, 2022, from