How gamification will help train and encourage employees
How gamification will help train and encourage employees
How gamification will help train and encourage employees
By Jay Titus
October 18, 2022
If your employees aren't picking up new skills as quickly and as thoroughly as you'd like, it may be time to have them play - or at least feel like they're playing.
The career-builder website Zippia found that employees experience a 60% engagement increase with gamification on average.
Nine of 10 employees report that gamification makes them more productive at work, and seven of 10 say gamification motivates them to work harder on the job.
According to one measure, some 1,400 of the world's 2,000 largest companies are now using gamification of some kind to train employees and keep them engaged.
Unless your aim is a workforce that excels at stealing virtual cars, you must tie what employees are doing onscreen to desired outcomes.
So if you're doing harassment training, or ethics and compliance instruction, gamification can use real-life scenarios to put employees in specific scenarios and challenge them to navigate those situations.
Integrate department-wide leaderboards, award badges, organize groups into teams and provide rewards as employees advance in skill levels and rack up onscreen achievements while progressing toward your overall learning goal.
Titus, J. (2022, October 18). How gamification will help train and encourage employees. Retrieved October 25, 2022, from